Custom Designs

Art Supply Box
An easel style box that opens up and holds art pencils for easy access. Wrapped and laminated with embossed gold foil providing an elegant touch. We printed directly on the foil and mounted a four color label on the front for a graphic punch.

Specialty Box
This is a Hinged shoulder box with all the bells and whistles, winning several awards for its unique and appealing package. This is just one of our top of the line packages that we have to offer.

Sales Tool
Use your imagination! This box created for TBS is a double-hinged container with an extra flap for separation between compartments.

Classy Container
This specialty high-end container has an elegant look with detailed gold writing and an antique red finish.

Medical Container
This ribbon and brass double-hinged specialty box includes custom-cut flocked foam inserts and was made for the medical industry.

Two-Piece with Plastic Cover
This two-piece box came with a custom-cut flocked foam insert and a vinyl cover (not shown)

Wine Box
A very nice upscale hinged box laminated inside and out with beautiful foil stamping on the lid. This award-winning box was designed for a customer to hold their wine bottles for resale.